Active Transportation Committee

Committee Mission: The Active Transportation Committee was established on February 23, 2009, as a Brown Act Committee, to act as an advisory body to the Mt. Shasta City Council on matters related to local and/or regional alternative transportation issues and other transportation-related matters, and to serve as a forum for the free exchange of information and ideas to enhance community transportation needs.

Committee Dynamics: The Committee is a five (5) member body consisting of members of the community who may or may not reside within the City limits serving two-year terms. One (1) member of City staff assists the Committee as needed.

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly on the 3rd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. at the Mt. Shasta City Hall located at 305 N. Mt. Shasta Blvd.

Meeting Location/Time: City Hall, 305 N. Mt. Shasta Boulevard, at 4:00 p.m.

Agenda Information: The Active Transportation Committee Regular Meeting Agenda is posted 72 hours prior to a scheduled meeting and the Agendas can be viewed in the display case outside the City Hall front door, at the meeting, and on the City’s website. Committee Agendas and Minutes can be viewed on the City’s website and are also available upon request at Mt. Shasta City Hall located at 305 N. Mt. Shasta Boulevard.