Public Record Requests


To request public records from the City of Mt. Shasta, please complete the form below. Your request will be acknowledged via email, and the Deputy City Clerk will contact you to assign a deadline for the materials that you have requested.

You can also make a public record request in person at City Hall.

Alternatively, you may print and submit a Public Records Request in PDF form to Mt. Shasta City Hall located at 305 North Mt. Shasta Boulevard.

Time Frame

Per Government Code Section 6253(c), the City of Mt. Shasta has ten (10) days from the date of receipt of a request to make a determination as to whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the City, and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefore.

The City may invoke a 14-day extension of time by written notice to the person making the request to determine whether to comply with your request if necessary to:

  1. Search for and collect the requested records from field facilities;
  2. Search for and examine a voluminous number of records; and/or
  3. Consult with another agency or City Department having substantial interest in the determination of the request.


The person requesting the public records will be notified of the approximate number of pages and/or length of time it will take to process their request. If a request is to inspect the records rather than receive copies, an appointment will be made with the person requesting the records once the records have been gathered.

Charges for Search

There is a charge for the direct cost of duplication of documents or for supplying of an electronic copy of the information on a flash drive. Information provided in electronic format may not be provided to the public in a format that can be altered. If electronic documents being requested are not available in a non-alterable format, the City reserves the right to charge the person for the time required to reformat and create a document for the person requesting the records. Payment must be made prior to release of the requested records. If the documents requested exceed 100 pages, a deposit will be requested.

Information Availability

Records obtainable for review and/or copies of records requested will be accessible for ten (10) days after notification of their availability. If you are unable to pick-up or view your records during this time period, notification is required, or your request will be considered fulfilled and a new request form must be completed and submitted.


Certain records are generally exempt from disclosure pursuant to Government Code Section 6255, where the public interest served by not making the records public clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure of the records. The Government Code further provides that certain records are specifically exempt from disclosure.

Public Records Request Form

Per Government Code §6253(c) the City of Mt. Shasta has ten (10) days from the date of receipt of this request to make a determination as to whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the City and shall promptly notify the person making the request of the determination and the reasons therefore. In unusual circumstances, the time limit prescribed may be extended by written notice to the person making the request, setting forth the reasons for the extension.
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